New Zealand Harvested Wood Levy Statement

The New Zealand Harvested Wood Levy statement is available to be requested by any company who has been invoiced by Levy Systems Ltd, under the Commodity Levies (Harvested Wood Material) Order 2019, within the past 12 month period. The New Zealand Harvested Wood Levy Statement confirms the company is subject to the levy.

What do you need to do?

All Exporters: Will need to request levy statements from the Forest/Commodity Owners who supply you logs, or logs for products, which are exported to Korea. The NZ Harvested Wood Levy Statements for each order/lot/batch must be provided to your importers with the usual commercial sales documents.

Forest/Commodity owners: Request a NZ Harvested Wood Levy Statement from Levy Systems Ltd, and provide these to their exporters and agents. Each Statement costs $65.00 +GST*, and is valid for 12 months. All orders/lots/batches are covered within that period.

*From 1st January 2022 the statement request cost will be $75.00+GST.

For more information on the requirements for legality documents for wood products exports to Korea from 1 October 2018 please visit MPI’s website at: Alternatively, phone MPI Enquiries: 0800 00 83 33 or email:

Request a New Zealand Harvested Wood Levy Statement

Please complete the statement request form below and click “Submit Request” at the bottom of the page. An authorization code will be sent to the email address that levy invoices are sent to to authenticate the identity of the request (or postal address if levy invoices are received via post).

    *Commodity Owner details can be found on the levy invoice. Processing will occur within normal office hours – Mon-Fri 8.30am – 4.30pm. Please allow for up to 10 working days to receive your Statement. If you do not receive your authentication code within 2 working days of request, please contact Levy Systems Limited.